Sunday, August 30, 2009

Overton Park Classic yesterday

The Overton Park 5 Mile Classic (the only race I know of in Memphis with its own marble plaque commemoration) was yesterday morning, and it was fun to see the park so full of people. The race winds around the park, through the woods, around the Greensward two different times, and ends up there at the edge of the field, with plenty of space for friends and family to see the approach to the finish line and cheer on their loved ones. It's always a festive day out in the park.
Paul Sax (above), daily runner and coach, directs traffic and watches runners on the Greensward. Paul puts on the race these days, keeping a piece of Memphis history alive.
Running through the woods (and where better to run on an August morning, even a nice one?) and the finish line.

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